What I Did On My Summer Vacation – August Edition

Given that we’re a few hours away from 2011, I guess I should probably clear this posting out of my ‘drafts’ folder!  This is the third and last installment of the ‘Summer Vacation’ blog series; the series of photos showing the brutal amount of work done to Tie Fighter over the summer months.

If by some chance you missed the June and July editions, I recommend you read those first.  Without further ado:

up on the hard, repairs proceeding
up on the hard, repairs proceeding

With the sanding finally finished, it was time to re-tape the hull and apply the primer paint. A darker shade of gray paint was chosen, because while white paint reflects the visible spectrum of light and doesn’t absorb heat, it still allows ultraviolet light to pass through which will eventually destroy the fiberglass.  The pigment in the gray primer absorbs the UV light, protecting the fiberglass underneath.

In this photo you can also see the patched hole in the hull near the main bow, where I removed and replaced the oddball old, seized 2″ ball valve for the head output with a proper 1.5″ stainless valve.  While I had her out of the water I replaced all of the old ball valves with new stainless valves, and removed and sealed up two that weren’t used anymore… the handle on one of those ball valves had rusted completely off and the outlet had been capped off with a copper pipe cap.  I have no idea what that through-hull was for originally but it obviously hadn’t been used in years and was a liability.

hulls primed!
hulls primed!

This is what Tie Fighter looked like primed with the military gray paint.  I loved the way she looked, and if it were possible I would have left her this way – the problem is that as a wooden boat, she has to be painted white.  Anything darker absorbs heat, and causes the wood hull to expand and contract, which will eventually cause the fiberglass to separate from the hull.  If that happens, moisture (via condensation) will form between the fiberglass and the wood, and eventually the whole boat will rot from the inside out.  So yeah.  White.

Pity though!  I wished I could have just painted a big white number on the side and left her this way – she’d look like a Canadian warship!

head and forward locker painted
head and forward locker painted

While she was up on the hard I might as well use some of the extra epoxy paint to update the insides… here’s the head, prior to ripping out the toilet, pedestal, floor and… well, everything really.  The head is much nicer now, as you’ll see in later photos…

topsides primed
topsides primed

After the first coat of primer went on, the whole boat had to be sanded again and wiped down with solvents before the second coat..  Those sanders went through hell and back, and the solvent fumes made us dizzy and melted several pairs of rubber gloves.

In the background you can see that it’s garbage day in the boatyard; all the dumpsters are being lined up right across from Tie Fighter, so that the garbage trucks could spend an hour making a huge racket at 5am.  By August we didn’t even hear them anymore – after long hard days in the sun, sleep was deep.

James rolling and tipping in the dark
James rolling and tipping in the dark

Once the second coat of primer was on and sanded, it was time to put on the first coat of the finish paint, Interlux ‘Brightside’ white.  The paint is a single-part polyurethane – which we now know isn’t a good thing to put over top of a two-part primer (ie, paint that comes in two cans, a base and an ‘activator’, which need to be mixed together before application).  Brightside gives a very professional-looking finish when “rolled and tipped”; first the paint is applied with a roller, and then you lightly brush over it with a foam brush to knock out all the tiny bubbles, leaving a sexy, glossy finish.  When we finally figured out how to do it properly we worked long into the night painting the hulls, fighting off the swarms of mosquitoes from the nearby swamps that showed up every night as soon as the sun went down.

Tie Fighter, white!
Tie Fighter, white!

Within a couple of days, the whole boat was shiny and white.  At this point, however, catastrophe struck – the paint on the bottom and hull was drying properly, but the topsides didn’t seem to be drying at all!

I don’t have clear memories of the next few days – I do remember being brought closer to tears of frustration than I have been in many years.  Dark times indeed.

At least the paint on the hull sides and bottom seemed to be drying properly… the primer used there had been a two-part epoxy primer by Interlux, but the topside primer was a two-part epoxy from a different company, and as far as we could tell it didn’t dry the same as the paint on the bottom, and the off-gassing of the primer drying caused “solvent entrapment”, causing the Brightside to still be tacky three days after application.

topsides, sanded down again
topsides, sanded down again

We had no choice but to sand all the new white paint off and start over from the primer again.  Two more solid days of sanding nonstop, and we were back to square one.  Sanding gummy, partly-dried paint is way more work than sanding old, dried paint, and we went through hundreds of sanding discs.

forward bilges, epoxy paint drying
forward bilges, epoxy paint drying

Since there were three of us sanding, but only two sanders, we took the time to gut the bilges in the forward cabin and apply a couple of coats of thick, tough Interlux ‘BilgeCote’ epoxy paint.  Wow – the bilges went from a dark, dirty, scary gutter to a reasonably nice place for extra storage!

hatches drying in the sun
hatch covers drying in the sun

I had nearly forgotten about the hatch covers – all of them needed minor repairs, a good sanding and several coats of paint.  A few days of work and they were shiny and new again.

In the background is James’ tent, which he lived out of for several weeks.

topsides white
topsides white

FINALLY, the topsides were painted again – it took far longer than expected, and I got my first sunburn of the summer, working 14-hour days trying to get this goddamned project finished and back in the water!

In this photo you can see the repairs to the front window evident, now that it’s all one color; I thought I had spent enough time sanding the area, but I guess it could have used one more pass with thickened epoxy and another hour or two of sanding.

applying the BC vessel registration numbers
applying the BC vessel registration numbers

The registration numbers going on, for the first time.  The VPD would be pleased about this, since they’d fined me $100 earlier in the summer for not having them displayed.  That was my first police fine since a speeding ticket fifteen years prior!

I love how shiny the hull is in this photo!

masking tape removed
masking tape removed

When the tape finally came off, she was looking amazing!  I had many boatyard folks come over to congratulate me on the work, saying how impressed they were.  Dan, James and I had been working on her nearly every single day since the start of the summer, and it was finally starting to show.  Of course, there was still a tonne of work to be done before she could go back into the water – but at least the outside was (mostly) finished…

Tie Fighter, shiny in the sun
Tie Fighter, shiny in the sun

Ernst came out to visit and take a few pics with his fancy camera-on-a-stick rig – a long, extendable monopod with a remote trigger.  He got this shot and the next one on a beautiful sunny afternoon.

Tie Fighter, ready for intergalactic battle
Tie Fighter, ready for intergalactic battle

This is probably my favourite shot of the entire summer – she just looks so fast and smooth!  The decks are so shiny – of course, we’d still have to apply two more coats of paint yet, a couple of coats of anti-skid paint so that walking across the wet deck wouldn’t result in a swim.

Kym painting the bootstripe
Kym painting the bootstripe

Kym came out and spent a few days in the boatyard to help with the work – she had some time off, and as someone who enjoys working on boats she was happy to help.  I put her to work taping off the bootstripe, a just-for-looks stripe around the base of each hull.  This was a much larger job than either of us anticipated, and taping alone took almost seven hours!

Tie Fighter, bootstriped
Tie Fighter, bootstriped

With the masking tape removed, the bootstripe looked fantastic, well worth the effort.  The Searunner Construction Manual says that a bootstripe can make the difference between a boat and a yacht.

aft cabin, workshop mode
aft cabin, workshop mode

With all the work on the outside, we had pretty much completely neglected the interior of the boat which was still completely gutted.  If I had any intention of moving back into the boat as my home there would be a lot of work to be done yet!

tearing apart the head
tearing apart the head

I found a new marine toilet – a Groco ‘Model K’ – on Craigslist for $200 delivered.  Given that the Model K retails for over $1000, I thought this was a great chance to upgrade my bathroom facilities, and jumped on the deal.  The new toilet was a good 10cm taller than the old one, however, and so the pedestal would have to be lowered – it was as good a time as any to rip everything out and start from scratch.


Once the chainplates were reinstalled and the two coats of antiskid paint were applied, it was as good a time as any to get the mast back up.  Michael Flynn took the day to come and help re-rig Tie Fighter – his help was welcomed, especially since he’s a professional rigger with a tonne of sailboat experience!

up the mast!
up the mast!

Of course, re-masting the boat left a chunk of rope at the top of the mast.  Someone had to go up to retrieve it, so I tied my climbing harness into the mainsail halyard and Michael cranked me up with the main winch while Kym tailed the line.  This was the first time I’d ever been up the mast.

good riddance, work pants.
good riddance, work pants.

During that day, at some point I was pulling some line and managed to tear the entire crotch out of my work shorts.  Last year, I wrecked probably half of my wardrobe when working on the boat – this year, I decided early to designate a single pair of pants as my work pants, and I spent most of the summer in these shorts.  By the end, the legs were so thick with paint and epoxy and sweat that they were stiff, and the pants could almost stand up on their own!

fantastic pic from Ernst
a beautiful art shot from Ernst

Ernst came out again to take a few more shots of Tie Fighter – I finagled him into helping me reinstall the centerboard at this point, which was a brutal job – the centerboard trunk is approximately three meters long by two meters deep, and there’s a 3cm hole in the centerboard itself which needs to match up to a pair of 3cm holes found deep in the bilge.  The process of reinstalling the centerboard is much like threading a needle, only with the needle being 100kg and needing a winch to move it.  After several hours trying, Ernst came up with the final solution which was to draw arrow lines radiating out from the centerboard’s hole, and to look into the trunk with a flashlight to see the lines.  Once the lines were drawn, we had the centerboard lined up and the holding pin installed within minutes!

Scott laying the traveler
Scott laying the traveler

My brother-in-law Scott came out to help with a few of the final rigging tasks, between working and school.  Here he’s lining up the bolt-holes on the traveler.

rigged and ready
rigged and ready

FINALLY, she was ready to go back into the water.  I was filled with pride – this was by far the largest and most difficult project I’d ever been a part of, much less in charge of.  I took this final photo – you can see my bicycle aboard, ready to go back to living   on the water.

lifting her up...
lifting her up...

The dinghy was lifted back up onto the deck by a friendly forklift operator, and the lifting straps were put into place…

carried across the yard...
carried across the yard...

Across the yard we went!

...and dropped back into the water!
...and dropped back into the water!

On August 24th, bright and early in the morning, Tie Fighter finally went back into the water.  Fortunately, she floated and all of the hull repairs proved to be watertight.  Unfortunately, we hadn’t had a chance to do any engine work yet, and so I couldn’t really do much besides motor down a few hundred meters and dock at C-dock, where I would spend the next two months continuing to repair and upgrade the inside of the boat.

the finished head!
the finished head!

At C-dock, I had time to finish the head.  Here’s a shot of the toilet installed, with the holding tank plumbed and secured to a shelf with ratcheting tiedown straps.  Technically this photo is from mid-September, but I figured it would be best to include an “after” shot, given the two or three “before” pics.

As the summer came to an inevitable close, I spent a lot of time feeling bitter about the fact that I had spent the entire warm-weather months doing something that I thought would be completely finished before the summer even started.  I had really wanted to spend the summer living the Vancouver lifestyle, bouncing from beach party to afterparty, sailing as much as possible, and having a great time.  Instead it was several months of hard labour ,while paying through the nose for the privilege of doing so.  It was my friend Dan Ross who set me straight; I was complaining about the loss of the summer when he said something like

“Actually”, he said, “I have to say, this has been probably the most interesting summer of my life – I’ve learned a tonne of new stuff, and been a part of a large project that we finished.  I can’t say I have a single complaint.”

I was broadsided by that statement but when I thought about it I had to agree.  It was the most interesting summer in memory, and at the end of it all I have my home to to show for it.  She still has a tonne of work to be done, but she’s solid, stable and floating, and eventually she’ll take  me wherever I want to go.  The weakest link in the chain is me, and that’s a lesson – paid for dearly – that I’ll always have.

Winter Weather

I know that the weather in Vancouver last winter was considered ‘mild’ by most, but between the steep learning curve of diesel furnaces and a general lack of knowledge regarding boat life in colder climates I can’t really say that the experience was particularly pleasant.  That being said, nothing last winter prepared me for multiple days of sub-zero temperatures!

Tie Fighter in the snow
Tie Fighter in the snow

Miya and I returned from Oklahoma (she competed in the Route 66 Marathon, finishing in 5:05:24, an excellent time for a first marathon!) on Monday night, but with a -17º windchill we decided that it would probably be best to spend the night at my sister’s house.  When we returned in the morning, we discovered the cold had actually frozen much of the plumbing solid, destroying the new galley faucet.  Fortunately the new hoses held up to the ice and the new flexible water tanks didn’t freeze, so we didn’t have two hundred liters of water in the bilge to contend with but it was still a nail-biting couple of days waiting for the pipes to thaw.  Just to make things interesting, the follow-up to days of bitter cold was a massive (by Vancouver standards anyway) snowfall – Thursday afternoon found me digging out the snow shovel from the depths of the starboard ama and shoveling a solid six inches of snow off the decks.  Shortly after I finished, of course, the snowfall turned to sleet and subsequently to rain, cleaning off the remaining snow and leaving me with a pair of dinghies full of icy water to bail out.

Tie Fighter's halls decked
Tie Fighter's halls, decked

The rains haven’t really stopped since, but that hasn’t stopped us from continuing with boat projects, albeit indoor ones.  I’ve managed (under duress) to get the diesel furnace in the forward cabin working again, a problem that required the routing of diesel fuel lines under the floorboards and rigging an electric transfer pump.  Now the forward cabin is toasty and warm, though the new propane stove in the aft cabin is turning out to be not the heat source that the former diesel cookstove was.  We’ve had to run the Honda generator for several hours each day, just to keep a pair of small electric heaters going – it’s a disgustingly inefficient way to keep warm, but at least it works.  I’m in the market for a second small diesel furnace.

The cold hasn’t stopped Miya from continuing to turn Tie Fighter into a home, and now the aft cabin salon has received some Christmas treatment.  We even have a small Christmas tree fashioned from a live rosemary plant!  The salon doesn’t smell like a traditional Christmas, but between the rosemary and Miya’s constant baking it definitely smells delicious, a welcome change from the pervasive smell of diesel and the salty sea air.

Steering Trouble and a Windstorm

The weather this past weekend was idyllic, for the season; cold but mostly sunny.  No wind meant that the nights in the Kitsilano Anchorage on English Bay were peaceful, with very little rocking save the occasional wake from a passing powerboater.  The forecast however called for strong gales on Monday and Tuesday, and we were out of water anyway, so we packed up Tie Fighter and set off to finally return to False Creek.

don't use non-stainless steel cables on a boat.

Miya took the helm, but it was hardly ten minutes before she called out that the wheel was sticking, and that she couldn’t turn to the left.  I thought it was just sticking, but when I came to try it myself, the wheel was definitely not moving.  We quickly threw out an anchor, and I started taking apart the binnacle to see if I could spot the problem.  It was immediately obvious when I pulled at one of the steel steering cables; it came up out of the channel easily, and after a few feet of rusty, oily cable came a frayed and broken end!

The ironic part – and I’m quickly learning that the Gods of the Sea are huuuuge fans of irony – was that not even three hours earlier, Miya had been reading my copy of the CYA Basic Cruising Skills manual, from a course I took a couple of years back.  Reading the section on emergency equipment, she asked specifically:

“Drew, where do we keep the spare tiller?”

I answered:

“We don’t have one, baby.  There’s no place to attach one, and besides, we have thick steel cables for steering, they shouldn’t ever break…”

Now, you’d assume that something as important as steering – especially on a boat with no emergency tiller attachment – would be rigged with stainless steel cables… but if there’s one thing the Gods of the Sea like better than irony, it’s assumptions.  As it turned out, the single exposed section of steering cable was rigged with 3/16ths stainless steel cable, but the rest – the parts impossible to inspect, routed through the walls in rigid conduit – were rigged with regular steel cable.  Which, of course, had rusted completely through after a few(?) years of living in a wet conduit.

Darren with the new steering cable

My good friend Darren was in town on Sunday, on “vacation” from the island paradise in Malaysia where he runs a diving school, and so after a leisurely brunch we tackled the problem of routing the new stainless steering cables.  We rented a large, industrial crimping tool and bought a bag of aluminum crimps, then settled in for the nightmare job of trying to thread the new cable into the old conduit.  To our surprise and delight, the new cable went through the conduit without a hitch, and replacing the entire steering system (including a stopover to lubricate the turning blocks) took around two hours total.

The interesting part is that I think the steering system is actually the final, single system on the boat that I hadn’t actually torn out yet.  Every single system aboard has now had my hands in it, either by tearing each system out completely or just removing, cleaning and reinstalling.  All of the water lines, all the hoses, the entire electrical system, the bilge pumps, the galley, the head, the lighting, the sailing instruments – everything!  Only Maude (the big Yanmar diesel engine) looks more or less exactly like she did when I started, and if you’ve been reading this blog for a while you know that there’s been a serious tonne of work done there as well.

leftover cable turned into spare rigging

Anyhow.  The repairs went fine, and the steering is back to 100% again – even better, in fact, as now the turnbuckles turn a lot easier, and without a frayed steel cable scraping the inside of the conduit the steering wheel turns far smoother than before.  We are extremely lucky that the cable snapped while we were only about 300m offshore, still in the Kitsilano Anchorage instead of out in the middle of the Georgia Straight like we were the weekend before – I’m honestly not sure how that would have gone.

For now, we’re back in False Creek, and have already survived a November windstorm – though it wasn’t even 40kn of wind, we only had out a single ‘delta‘ anchor.  The winds came up suddenly, jumping from a gentle 5kn breeze to a 30kn gale in under five minutes, and that was enough to cause us to drag anchor about 200m east, narrowly avoiding slamming into Erik’s boat ‘Solgangsvind’.  We fired up the engine and tried to re-anchor several times, but dragged anchor each time, and on the third time dragging we came a little too close to ‘Solgangsvind’ again and drifted over Erik’s anchor line.  I had to quickly tie off our anchor line to a buoy and toss the whole thing overboard, because with his anchor line hooked we couldn’t pull our anchor up without also pulling up his, and that would mean multiple boats drifting free in the 30kn winds – it could have been a real mess!  With Miya at the helm we motored back west towards the Granville Bridge, searching for better anchor purchase.

We found a good hold just past Monk McQueen’s restaurant, deploying a 35lbs CQR anchor and having that hold for an hour or so… but then suddenly the wind picked up again and we found ourselves dragging anchor east towards boats moored at the marina!  I had Miya take the helm again, and with a panicked look in her eyes, trying to keep a 39′ sailboat off the rocks in the dark with howling winds and driving rains lashing us, she kept the boat steady and pointed into the wind while I pulled up the anchor and attached a second anchor, a 25lbs ‘fortress’, to the end of the chain.  This gave us a 25lbs anchor, 20′ of heavy chain, a 35lbs anchor, another 20′ of heavy chain and then a hundred feet of thick rope, which – after we set the anchor properly – held us solid for the rest of the night.  Of course we still had the GPS anchor drag alarm set all night, but we were never woken up.

Anyhow – we’re technically back in False Creek, but the boat is locked up solid while we’re away in Oklahoma for the next couple of days so that Miya can run 26.2 miles in the Oklahoma marathon!

What I Did On My Summer Vacation – June Edition

It’s been six months since I’ve updated my blog, and much has changed.  So much, in fact, that the sheer amount of things I have to write about has been preventing me from writing at all!  I’ve resigned myself to the fact that many of this summer’s great adventure stories will have to remain untold, and that I will just have to tell the biggest story – and in the spirit of ‘worth a thousand words’, I think the story is best told as a series of photographs, with a descriptive paragraph for each.  There are eighty-six photographs in total, and that’s after having culled and cut and edited out well over half of them.  Most of these photos are lower quality, all that remains from my iPhone’s ‘Facebook’ application.

The short version: I planned to haul Tie Fighter out of the water for a two-week intensive repair and paintjob session, and those two weeks turned into a grueling sixty-five day slog, working ten or more hours per day in the hot sun with a total of five days off over more than two months.  Fortunately the weather cooperated, if you count blisteringly hot sun as cooperation…

Without further ado, I present to you “What I Did On My Summer Vacation”, the June edition.  If you’re reading this on Facebook, I strongly suggest you visit my main blog site (http://www.disengage.ca) for the original formatting.

Ernst at the helm
Ernst at the helm

Given the ongoing problems with my engine overheating, I figured it was probably prudent to enlist some help with the travel from Kitsilano up to the boatyard that I’d be working in, Shelter Island Marina in Richmond, BC.  They were chosen because they are the only boatyard in the lower mainland with a travelift capable of hauling out a boat the width of Tie Fighter!

towing Tie Fighter behind the Foulkeswagen
towing Tie Fighter behind the Foulkeswagen

My friend John Foulkes offered to give me a tow up the Fraser River with his powerboat, and so Ernst and I sailed Tie Fighter out around UBC and to the river mouth, then attached a line to John’s boat (the Foulkeswagen) and headed up the river.  Aside from a near miss of the banks during a daring coffee-relay mission between the two vessels, the trip was peaceful and uneventful.

approaching the lift
approaching the lift

I spent the night on the Shelter Island docks, then in the morning I motored up to the lifting dock…

travelift lifting Tie Fighter out of the water
travelift lifting Tie Fighter out of the water

…where I was lifted up…

out of the water
out of the water
carrying Tie Fighter across the boatyard
carrying Tie Fighter across the boatyard

…carried across the boatyard…

washdown guy in hazmat suit
washdown guy in hazmat suit

…powerwashed, and…

Tie Fighter blocked and ready for work
Tie Fighter blocked and ready for work

…finally set down gently on metal stands, ready to be worked on.

At this point I honestly did think that I’d only be out for a total of two weeks, but everyone who asked about it laughed when I told them my schedule and predictions of how long it would take.  One guy, a fellow geek, actually recommended I take all my predictions regarding time and money to be spent, add a worst-case scenario, and then multiply it all by ‘pi’.  Strangely his predictions were the most accurate of anyone.

stuck centerboard, meet physics
stuck centerboard, meet physics

The first task was to remove the centerboard, though of course it didn’t want to come out.  At some point, some previous owner hit some rocks and damaged the fiberglass bottom edge of the board – the wooden centerboard absorbed seawater and swelled up, causing it to stick in the centerboard trunk.  Two days, a lot of rocking, some serious leverage provided by halyards and block-and-tackle, and a bottle of extra virgin olive oil later… she came out.

the centerboard, out on the ground
the centerboard finally out

Six hundred pounds of centerboard doesn’t move around too easily!  Ugh, three different layers of anti-fouling paint, old fiberglass, wood fibers and several years of marine growth – this piece of wood was foul.  We drilled a bunch of drainage holes in the board and propped it up on wood blocks “for a few days”.  Little did we know, it would be there for almost two months.

One of the first major projects was to repair a “tiny, little 6-inch spot of rot” in one of the port ama bulkheads.  Of course, we quickly learned that as soon as you can spot any rot, there’s a lot more that you can’t see… and the project turned into a bulkhead, support beams, an inside panel and several feet of decking!

DR tracing out a new bulkhead

My close friend Dan Ross spent a large portion of the summer out in the boatyard with me, helping to repair the boat.  His work ethic and good humour kept me both motivated and sane through the long, hot days on the asphalt.

DR fitting the replacement bulkhead
In the photo above you can also see the line locker, the open hatch on the right.  Originally this had been a locker for a life raft, accessable from below the wing should the boat ever capsize… but of course, the hatch wasn’t installed well, and subsequently it rotted.  We removed the hatch and built up the locker as a proper watertight line locker, by replacing about fifteen square feet of the underside of the wing, then building a new floor into the locker over top of that.
port ama hatch rebuilt, awaiting fiberglass
Miya on the starboard bow

During this time I also had other friends visiting and helping quite often – here’s a pic of my lovely girlfriend Miya working on the starboard bow.  At first we tried to remove the old anti-skid paint with sandpaper and then with an angle grinder, but the sheer amount of work to do so was staggering.  In the end, we found that methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) was the answer – the anti-skid paint dissolved under the solvent!

Miya, Teak and DR pulling up the mast

We also removed the mast and rigging, both so that I could inspect and upgrade the mast head equipment and so that we could get access to the centerboard trunk, the largest and most complicated rot problem of all…

the mast on the ground
lots of rot in the mast step!

Above you see the mast step, which essentially collapsed as soon as I applied a little pressure to it.  I’m very fortunate that it never collapsed on me while I was at sail, though I’m pretty sure that I would have had problems if I’d left this project for another year.

the rain cover built and installed

As the Canada Day weekend approached, bringing June to a close, the weather forecast showed a prediction of rain.  With a quick run to Home Depot for lumber and a tarp, we built a rain cover over the worksite – which had the side effect of giving us some much-needed shade on what would prove to be the hottest days of the summer.

And so ended the month of June.  I’ll try to add the subsequent posts, with the photos from July and August in a timely fashion, but my world seems to be accelerating currently, so no promises. 🙂

A Quick One

Well, I made it out of False Creek.  I can’t exactly say I made it unscathed, as I managed to somehow burn out (part of) my exhaust system again – but at least I’m out, and out of the immediate danger of being towed away and impounded by the VPD.  Instead, now I am broken down at anchor about 300m due west of the Maritime Museum, bobbing around in the wake of every ship that enters or leaves False Creek, and potentially in danger should the weather turn foul.  Tomorrow I will be picking up a few replacement parts that will help get me up and running again and over to a slightly more comfortable spot.

completely unrelated: Friday morning I was woken up by yet *another* hovercraft. how awesome is this photo!?

I think I actually know what’s going on now.  At some point, X minutes after pushing the engine hard, the cooling water ceases to flow into the exhaust and the superheated exhaust burns a hole in the tubes.  There are a pair of thermostats that redirect the water flow from the exhaust manifold and into the main engine block once they heat up, though the water should then flow into the exhaust manifold and out the exhaust.  I now suspect that the engine block has become fouled with calcium scale, and now water no longer flows through it.  Fixing this will likely require a heavy-duty descaling solution, or perhaps straight-up muriatic acid.  It’s a touchy procedure, but there is hope – I may have finally sorted out a way to barter myself some time with a proper diesel mechanic!

More soon.  I simply have too much work to do to write proper, long blog posts right now.

UPDATE: Swapped in an edited version of the hovercraft shot, with levels and curves tweaked by Jason Sims.  Nice one!